The weekend before Mother's Day we went to Montgomery to visit some family. We had so much fun and can not wait to get a chance to go back. Maybe someday in the near future...
This is Bunny meeting EK for the first time |
Evie Grace, Bunny and EK |
PawPaw holding EK for the first time |
PawPaw rocking his granddaughter :) |
Evie with her Big Brother (The Hubs) |
The Boys :) Paw Paw (Bailey), The Hubs and Uncle Ben |
Eating with friends |
Yummo |
Uncle Ben holding EK for the first time |
I know you are all thinking Bunny and PawPaw look a little young to be grands and they are but they aren't :) PawPaw, also known as Bailey, isn't really T's dad but he is T's Work Dad. When T first became a fireman he worked in Montgomery at Maxwell Airforce Base. Bailey opened his arms before T even started in Montgomery. They were on the same shift and they worked 24 hours on 24 hours off. Plus, we were living in Tuscaloosa so T was driving two hours every day! Whew, that man loves us! It was a huge joke at the station that Bailey was T's dad and T was his son. Those boys caught serious grief! Then came along Uncle Ben. Ben is an awesome guy in his mid-thirties who has an adorable little girl who he loves more than life itself! (Oh, I sound like I'm inputting an add on for him?! Well I'm not BUT I would love to find him a great Christian woman :)) Ben worked at the station on the same shift as Bailey and T. They were the three amigos! Even though T has left Maxwell Fire Department he still keeps in touch with these two guys. They are like brothers and I was shown how much so this weekend.
T tells me all the time they are like brothers but until this weekend I had not truly seen evidence of it. Once we arrived at Bailey's house I knew they were more than co-workers but brothers. Bailey went in his attic and got down his daughters pack & play, swing and boppy pillow. He also washed everything so it would all be clean for EK. AND while she was napping he set their video monitor up so we could keep an eye on her! LOVE them :)
Bunny is Bailey's wife and her name is not Bunny! Her name is Bonnee but she is EK's Bunny - it sounds so much better than MawMaw :) Evie is one of Bailey and Bonnee's daughters. We love Bonnee, Tia (their other daughter), Evie and Bailey and we hate that we live so far away. We are planning on starting a family trip with them and Uncle Ben and his daughter once a year! Fingers crossed!!!
Mother's Day was EK's one month birthday. Tear :( It was a super special Mother's Day because we dedicated EK! A lot of our family was there to share the day with us and we were so grateful to have them all here.
Unfortunately this is the best picture of our family :( |
Bro Billy introducing EK to the congregation |
Mother's Day was fabulous for me! I got to spend the day with the loves of my life :) The day started with The Hubs getting breakfast and then I opened my gifts. I got the workout clothes I asked for and a straightener :) Total score!!! After church we had lunch at our house with our families. It was so nice to get to celebrate the new life in our family on Mother's Day.
I am so blessed to be the Momma to the two girls in my life and couldn't imagine my life without them. I am forever grateful that God chose me to care for them, teach them and love them unconditionally!!!
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