Easter 2012 before Church |
Size of Baby: Per Baby Center 6.5 lbs however three weeks ago she weighed albs so I am guessing 7 lbs. Her next weigh in is Monday!
Total Weight Gain/Loss: A lot! I was actually rather proud of myself until these past few weeks. I have just ballooned out!
Maternity Clothes: Yes but even they are getting small. I can still wear my medium jeans but the panel is only covering half of my tummy. I absolutely LOVE sleeping in T's t-shirts!
Gender: GIRL :) Ellison Kathryn
Movement: EK has been complete opposite of her big sister and moving like a wild woman until recently when she decided to start going an hour or two without any movement at all. Freaks my freak!!! And apparently everyone thinks I'm the one that needs to take a chill pill because she will move. People, this is my body and my baby! I knew something was wrong with TB and I was right! I will NOT risk anything happening to my other baby girl either!
Belly Button: Almost flat. I have lost the whole "hood-up" that T called my button and now its just flat. Especially flat when she pokes her bootay towards me.
Interesting Facts: There have been a few times I swear I could see EK breathing through my tummy. I realize that probably wasn't the case but I swear it looked like it!
Sleep: Well I sleep great from about 10pm to 1am-2am. Then I am up for the duration of the night. The Hubs is slightly over my not sleeping but he's about to have lots of sleepless nights with me :)
What I miss: Honestly, this week I don't miss anything. I am just READY to meet the newest love of my life!!!
What I am looking forward to: My dr apt Monday! I get to see sweet baby girl and get another weight check. I also get to see the "other" love of my life, Dr. P! :) Praying I have made more progress and they have to take EK next week!
Cravings/Aversions: Summer Snow.
Symptoms: Indigestion, restlessness, fatigue, moody, palpitations and carpal tunnel!
Best Moment This Week: I started maternity leave. Therefore I am resting more but honestly the best moment was going with TB on a field trip. It was just to the park down the street but she had a blast and thought she was the coolest kid ever because her Mommy was there. I ate it up!
Weekly Wisdom: Cherish every moment with the elder sibling(s) because not too much longer and she will share her time with you!