25 Weeks... Fat & Happy |
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Don't you just love my shoes... notice I'm not in heels? |
Size of Baby: Approx 13.5 inches and a pound and a half (however, my money is on the fact that EK is a lot bigger than that seeing as Dr P told me today that I was measuring ahead:)) The size of an average rutabaga.
Total Weight Gain/Loss: I weighed... 160! Gasp... I know :( I am very disappointed in myself!!! My super sweet hubs though said I was all belly. Actually honey, I'm not but thanks :)
Maternity Clothes: Well that's a definite!
Gender: GIRL
Movement: Yes but you see TB was born 6 weeks early because she stopped moving so now that EK has gotten bigger and I can feel her more I freak my freak when she stops. I'm good if I am busy at work but when I realize she hasn't moved for a couple of hours I down a pepsi (in like 10 seconds) and wait and wait and wait. Then Little Miss decides to move and make her Mommy happy!
Belly Button: It is starting to flatten but I still got a ways to go. I am thinking it will be completely flat or poking out a little come Baby Time!!!
Interesting Facts: EK is growing more hair and if we could see it then we could discern the color and texture! I hope she has a head full like her "sissy"!!!
Sleep: It is hit or miss. There are good nights and bad but here lately more good than bad.
What I miss: Nothing!
What I am looking forward
to: Our 4D ultrasound in 2 weeks!!! And the fact that I have started my two week appointments this week! This should make the time fly by!
Cravings/Aversions: White Chocolate Oreos... Jim N Nicks Cheese Biscuits... Water... This list could go on and on!
Symptoms: Swelling, moodiness and hot natured!
Best Moment This Week: Hearing EK's heart thumping away and hearing Dr P say those magic words...TWO Weeks and I'll see y'all again!
Weekly Wisdom: Stay off your feet...The housework and laundry can wait!
I forgot about Jim N Nicks Cheese Biscuits! Good thing we have a Jim N Nicks here!!! Glad you and EK are doing well. Miss you!