Let's start with Halloween... I had the bright idea (like two weeks before Halloween) to go to the Pumpkin Patch! You see, T is a fire fighter and works 24 on and 24 off which means he is only off on Saturdays every other weekend. TB goes to spend the weekend with her dad every other weekend also so when I said it was two weeks before when I decided for us to go it was really the Thursday night before the only Saturday we could go. Not to mention we had already planned to have friends over to watch the football game at our house. I wanted us to go to the Pumpkin Patch that is an hour and a half away but it was not realistic so we loaded up and headed to a local Pumpkin Patch that was very ghetto redneck fabulous :)
TB petting the "deers". She didn't see the big deal in this because she says she sees "deers" all the time at Mimi and Pops (T's parent's) house. |
Petting and feeding the cows...Again no big deal to our country girl! |
Family Photo of the Day
Please excuse how FAT I was...I would like to note I have lost 25 lbs since :)))) |
TB thinks this is the BEST picture ever! She has it framed on her bed side table!!! LOVE this gal! |
Another Family Photo on the hayride to get our pumpkins! |
LOVE this face! She was not happy that all the pumpkins had bumpies. Told you, ghetto! |
The Love's of my life! |
After the pumpkin patch we had friends over and had oh so much fun! Then Sunday we carved the pumpkins we
grabbed off an empty lot picked at the PP! Please note we used some large knives but TB was never left alone with said knives or allowed to touch said knives :)
I am loving TB's "cheese smile" she has going on...It's a new thing |
We were having so much fun! |
The GUTS!!! |
Putting the lid on... |
My beautiful baby girl!
Then on Wednesday of the same week my work had a Halloween Festival for the kiddies in our town. We dressed up and headed out with Nana! We had so much fun!!!
Minnie Mouse and Mommy
(No, this is not the only outfit I wear! Coincidental, I swear) |
Minnie Mouse and Woody
Taelor Brooke and Thomas (her husband who left her at the alter, story coming soon!) |
Halloween was on a Sunday this year and in our small town it cause such confusion! So we went Trick-or-Treating with one of TB's friends from school, LG. We are really good friends with LG's parents and Jenny's (LG's mom) parents have a river house and LG's grandfather brought his tractor down and made a hay ride for the kiddies.
Getting ready! |
TB and LG would not take a normal picture!!! On the hay ride picking out seats |
Let's go... |
We had so much fun! Jenny and I both know anytime we get our girls together we will be able to get lots of rest that night! The girls absolutely wear each other out!!! After trick-or-treating Nonnie (LG's grandmother) had dinner ready for us. It was so yummy! And we all know Nonnie's don't half anything so for dessert we had smore's by their outdoor fireplace! I so wish I would have taken more pictures!!! Their river house is beautiful and so nice! Maybe we will get to go back one day soon :)
That was it for our Halloween and we moved right in to Thanksgiving! Horrible mommy here only took pictures at TB's school. No where else even though we did three family gatherings...Oops!
At TB's school "Thankful Lunch" I swear I do not just wear this scarf :) |
The cupcakes I made!!! hahaha... Just kidding! I walked in looked at all the food and thought some mom is trying to show my mashed potatoes up! What the crap?!?!!! For those who don't know what the above picture is they are cupcakes, really cute and wonderfully delicious cupcakes! I am so one upping her next year, hehe! |
TB eating her yummy food! |
TB with some of her bestests... From L to R TB, LG, Ella and Amber
Just a little background on all the kiddies... T has know LG's family (one of his bf is LG's uncle) ever since he was a little boy! It is so neat to see TB grow up with such a great family friend of his. Then there is Ella. Ella's aunt and myself have known each other since kindergarten and graduated together. Of course I am friends with E's mom just closer to her aunt. They are such a sweet family as well and E is the same way! However, she was a little ticked I took her from her daddy's lap to snap a quick photo! Then there is Amber. Amber is Chad's (T's brother) bosses niece. Confused?!? Anytime we go to church with Mimi we know Amber will be there and that makes TB so happy!!! |
Again... |
Then we started Christmas, like the very first weekend after Thanksgiving! We went to Breakfast with Santa! I do not have a picture of TB in Santa's lap mainly because they had a professional photographer who was charging an arm and a leg for an 8x10 and i wouldn't come off the money and they wouldn't come off their "photography rights"!!! Stupid! So enjoy a few others from Bfast with HoHo as TB calls it!
Showing off her picture frame she made. |
TB and Nana!!! If TB is spoiled it's not from us promise! It is from the one and only Nana! This lady right here!!! She used to be my mother but now she is TB's Nana and I am TB's mommy :) I'll take that too :) |
Look who we found, Samantha! |
Of course I'm wearing the scarf again Family Photo! |
I promise I took lots more pictures at Christmas but not too many more because my grandfather passed away Christmas Day so that put a slight damper on things.
Until next time...
HI!!!!!!!!!! welcome back!!!!!!!!!!!! i hope all has been wonderful with u!!! :) :) u guys look soooo happy!!!!!!!!