I know I should probably do a long drawn out post so I don't forget every detail of the day but let's face it between feeding, pumping, burping, changing, eating, sleeping and trying to also play with TB and The Hubs I simply don't have time :) But I wouldn't change it for anything in the world! So here goes for the "short" version... which may include a little too much information so if you don't want to know the good, bad and gross end here!
Around 5:15 Friday morning I woke up to go pee for the forty-eleventh (that's TB terminology for a bazillion times!) time and T got up to go to work at the station. I went back to bed and within 20 seconds I had "leaked". (Sidenote: I "leak" a lot lately. I call discharge leaking. I know that sounds silly but its easier and cleaner to explain to your four year than exactly what discharge is and why your body does that.) No big deal that I had leaked because like I just said these days I do that 24/7 other than this time it was a bit more and I did not put a panty liner on because I wasn't thinking I was going to leak while sleeping. So I very nonchalantly got up to go back to the bathroom. When I stood up I leaked a little bit more. With every step I took I leaked a little more. By the time I made it to the bathroom I had leaked a lot. This is the first moment I realized my water might have broken. Once in the bathroom I told The Hubs I think my water had broken. His response, "You think? Wouldn't you know?". My smarty pants response... Well I know I am NOT peeing and this is a lot to just be leaking...So Yes, I think. In case he forgot my water never broke with TB so this experience was new for me too. I called my mom (who lives 2 hours away and I knew would be sleeping) and explained to her that I thought my water had broken and I wanted her opinion. My mom is the best!!! She is also a nurse so she knows more about this stuff than I do. My mom said my water had indeed broken and that I needed to call my dr and get ready to go to the hospital. She was getting her stuff together and leaving asap.
When I called the hospital (because it wasn't "working" hours - around 5:30am) the dr on call told me I needed to come straight in. I asked if I could take a shower because I was all gross and I knew I would only get even more gross after the section but I was denied :( I was scheduled to have a section April 23 and since I am a repeat section my doctor has told me that if I were to go into labor or my water break I needed to head to the hospital asap because I had already started dilating and EK was already in the birth canal. The Hubs showered and packed a couple of his things. I washed my face, brushed my teeth, brushed and fixed my hair and finished getting my stuff together. Then I got to wake TB up!!! (This was one of the BEST moments of my life! I am not even kidding. Waking her up is a moment I will never forget! I could write a whole post just about this, maybe I will do that soon.) I went to get TB out of her bed and she was sooooo sleepy. I told her she would get to meet her "sissy" today and she wasn't understanding. She wanted to know why because I just told her the night before it was going to be a week and a half! Once she finally grasped the idea of today being EK's birthday she was ecstatic!!! There was no hiding this sister's excitement!!!
We left our house around 6:20am heading for the hospital. It was such a fun and exciting time for me, TB and The Hubs to get to experience together. Another "small" memory that I will cherish!
That's all for Part One, I will try my hardest to get Part Two up later this week!
Park City Utah
2 years ago
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