Once I was in my hospital room I wanted to get up and walk around. However, it took a little longer for my spinal to wear off than with TB. I was in my room for about an hour and then I got up and walked around our room. It was
rough but it wasn't impossible and I did fine! We were super surprised that two of The Hubs closest friends from Montgomery drove all the way up just to see EK and check on us. It was awesome to have them there and meant so much too us!!! (They got there right after I was put in my room so I don't have a picture of them :( but we are heading to see them next weekend and we will be sure to take lots of pictures!!!) As soon as EK could hold her body temperature they brought her to my room so I could nurse her. I was a little questionable about the whole breast feeding thing - since I didn't breast feed TB - but I absolutely loved it and she was a champ! She latched right on and fed a good 15 mins on both sides. I absolutely loved it!!! After I fed her she had to get a bath and of course her temperature dropped and it took another hour for it to come back up.
Mommy's first time to hold Ellison Kathryn!!! |
TB's first time to hold EK... She is an amazing BIG sister! |
Mommy & Daddy with EK - I can not believe we did not get a picture with TB :( |
Showing me how well she can hold her sissy! She really doesn't even need that Boppy thing! lol |
My BFF now lives in Cali and couldn't make it home for the birth :( but sent flowers! I absolutely LOVED the card that came with the flowers. Made me smile even though I missed her! |
EK rocking the "Bow Hawk" Had to steal the term from my friend Meredith! |
Daddy resting with EK. Melts my heart! |
Since I was breast feeding I was feeding EK every three hours. I was exhausted but I loved every second of it. We had tons of visitors the first day and even more the second. We loved every second of it but I will admit that first night around 10pm T looked over at me feeding EK and we both loved that moment without anyone talking to us or quizzing us about the delivery. We tried to soak it in.
I had EK on Friday at 8:30am and by lunch time I was up walking the halls. They wouldn't let me shower until Saturday morning and I was extremely grossed out by that!!! In case you forgot, my water broke and I was nasty!!! So I was up and ready to shower by 6:30am! My mom came up to help me shower and I loved every second of that nice hot shower. After I finished getting ready I rested and then took another walk around L&D. Dr D made rounds that morning and told me I needed to get up and walk around the halls some. I told Dr D I did that yesterday. She then told me three other things I needed to do the day after the section and happily I had already done all three! She gave me a A+ for the day! By Saturday afternoon I was over being in the hospital and ready to go HOME!!! I asked my nurse her thoughts of them letting me go home on Sunday instead of Monday and she said very "unlikely" but it is also very "unlikely" for someone to get up a couple hours after surgery. I saw Dr D in the halls Sunday morning and let her know I was READY to go home!!! She laughed and said "We'll see" which I took to mean NO. She came in my room and sat down and we had a nice long talk. She told me as long as EK's pediatrician signed off on her going home AND I promised not to over-do it (because I tend to over-do it a lot:)) she would sign off on us leaving. I agreed and EK's pediatrician gave us a clean bill of health! We were home by late lunch Sunday! Ahhh... It was so nice to be home!!! Leaving the hospital I overheard a nurse whispering to another nurse, That's the 48 hour section leaving! Guess that's not normal.
Once we were home we had a few more visitors and soaked up being at home. I will upload more pictures soon.
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