Me and TB at my baby shower Sunday. |
Size of Baby: According to Baby Center barely over 4 lbs. A pineapple! However, last week she was 4.5 lbs so we know she's grown since then! T and the girls at work think she weighs 5 lbs.
Total Weight Gain/Loss: Can I please delete this question?
Maternity Clothes: Yes and since I have been pregnant mostly in the winter I had to break down and buy three new short sleeve shirts.
Gender: Girl!!! Trust me, I saw another shot and she is all girl!
Movement: It's really stressing me out! She has stopped kicking me and is now just turning around. She is already head down and in position so baby girl just doesn't have much space to move around.
Belly Button: ... looks hilarious :) It is still an innie but when she wants it out of her way she definitely will kick it flat!
Interesting Facts: This week EK's bones start to really harden and prepare for life outside the womb!
Sleep: What's sleep? Maybe I will remember in a year or two :)
What I miss: See above. Truly, I miss very little these days. Im just ready to meet my princess!
What I am looking forward to: My work baby shower tomorrow! Also, Monday! If I can make it through this next week that means I have made it through the week I delivered TB. In pregnancy days if I can make it through next Saturday I will have EK in longer than TB! I have very mixed emotions about this... Maybe I should blog about that later.
Cravings/Aversions: Water, spicy (even though it KILLS me!), this week I craved a coke in a glass bottle.
Symptoms: Swelling!!! Whew, I have completely lost my ankles, feet and toes. I am all legs. My bff at work says I look like Professor Klump! Thanks Melissa!
Best Moment This Week: EK passing her BPP! Baby girl is nothing like her sweet sister. She passed her BPP in three mins!!!
Weekly Wisdom: Prop those feet up!
Baby Hudson was moved yesterday into a regular room! Praise the Lord! He is having some issues eating with sucking but that is not uncommon seeing as what all he has gone through. Jimmy and Jenny are very optimistic he will get it soon and be home within the next few weeks!
Baby Charleigh got her results from the dye scan this week and the cancer is confined to the one tumor!!! I know to most this wouldn't be a Praise God moment but the fact that the cancer was not in her lymph nodes or anywhere else is such an amazing miracle!!! Anna Marie and Mitchell will meet with a surgeon next week to discuss Charleigh's options!
Our God is such a loving and awesome God!!! He has answered so many prayers and His light has shone through to so many people through Hudson and Charleigh! I honestly do not see how people do not believe or trust!